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World’s fastest growing Halal Market


Muslims account for 30% of the world’s population by 2025

The global Muslim market is projected to reach about 2.4 trillion dollars

What does Halal means?

What is halal?

"Halal" refers to foods that comply with Islamic dietary laws, ensuring they are prepared in a clean, ethical and humane manner. This includes specific guidelines for animal slaughter and the prohibition of certain ingredients such as pork and alcohol.

The Halal Lifestyle

The Halal lifestyle involves living according to Islamic principles, including consuming foods that are permissible (halal) and avoiding prohibited items like pork and alcohol. It emphasises ethical behaviour, respect for others and overall wellbeing, promoting a balanced and respectful way of life aligned with Islamic values.

Why is halal important?

Halal is important because it ensures, that food and practices align with Islamic principles, promoting cleanliness, ethical treatment and humane practices. It provides Muslims with dietary guidelines that foster a sense of spiritual wellbeing and community, ensuring their consumption is consistent with their faith and values.

Australia has a growing demand for Halal food





Get involved with South Australia’s Largest

Halal Food Festival